Everything You Need to Know About Multiples in Math

In mathematics, a multiple is a result of multiplying two numbers together. For example, 6 is a multiple of 3 because 3 multiplied by 2 equals 6. In this blog post, we will discuss what multiples are and how to find them. We will also provide examples of problems that can be solved using multiples. Let's get started!

What are Multiples in Maths?

Multiples are numbers that are repeated in a sequence. For example, the number 12 appears three times in sequences 12, 24, and 36. So, 12 is a multiple of both 36 and 24. The number 18 appears four times in sequences 18, 36, 54, 72. So, 18 is a multiple of both 54 and 72. The number 15 does not appear in any of those sequences. Therefore, 15 is not a multiple of either 54 or 72. Multiples can be helpful when trying to find common factors or the greatest common factors between two numbers. They can also be used to help simplify fractions. When finding multiples, it is important to remember that the larger number will always have more multiples than the smaller number.

The Steps of Finding Out Multiples in Maths

There are a few simple steps to finding out multiples in maths. Firstly, you need to identify the number that you want to find the multiples of. This is usually referred to as the 'multiple'. Once you have identified the multiple, you need to determine its factors. The factors of a number are all numbers that can be multiplied to produce that number. For example, the factors of 12 are:

Once you have found the factors of your chosen multiple, you can then start to work out what their multiples are. To do this, you must multiply each factor by another whole number. For example, if we retake the multiple 12, we can see that its first three multiples are:

12, 24, 36

As you can see, finding out the multiples of a number in maths is quite simple once you know it! Just remember to identify the multiple first, find its factors, and multiply each factor by another whole number to get the desired result. Then, try it for yourself next time you need to find a multiple in maths class or your studies!

The Importance of Multiples in Mathematics

One of the essential concepts in mathematics is that of multiples. A multiple is simply a number that is evenly divisible by another number. For example, the number 12 is a multiple of the numbers three and four because it can be evenly divided by both three and four. Multiples are important in mathematics for a variety of reasons.

First, they help us to understand division. When we divide one number by another, we are essentially finding how many times the second number goes into the first number. For example, when dividing 12 by four, we ask how many times four goes into 12. The answer is three because 12 divided by four equals three (12/four=three). Multiples also help us to understand fractions.

One of the most important uses of multiples is finding common and greatest factors. Common factors are numbers that two or more numbers have in common. For example, the number 12 has three common factors with the number 18: one, two, and six. The greatest common factor (GCF) is the largest number that two or more numbers have in common. In this case, the GCF of 12 and 18 is six.

Multiples are also used in solving equations and inequalities. Equations are mathematical relationships between two quantities that are equal to each other. Inequalities are mathematical relationships between two quantities where one quantity is greater than or less than another. Multiples can be used to solve both types of problems.

Finally, multiples are used in various other mathematical concepts, such as finding averages, percentiles, and standard deviations. As you can see, multiples are a fundamental concept in mathematics. So be sure to review this concept often so you can use it correctly in your future math studies.

How to Become an Expert in Multiples?

One way to become an expert in multiple is to study them. You can learn a lot about multiples by reading books or articles about them or taking classes on the subject. You can also enrol in various online courses such as functional skills level 1 maths to learn about multiples. Another way to become an expert in multiples is to use them regularly in your work. 

If you frequently use multiples in your calculations, you will develop a strong understanding of how they work and how to use them effectively. Finally, you can become an expert in multiples by teaching others about them. You can help them understand and use multiples more effectively by sharing your knowledge with others.


Multiples are an important part of mathematics and have a variety of applications. By understanding multiples, students can better understand other mathematical concepts and operations. We hope that this blog post has helped you gain a deeper understanding of multiples and their role in mathematics.

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